Our know-how
From the customer specifications, EREMS activities include the full management of electronic projects, including the following services :
Feasibility, architectural design
Preliminary design
Detailed design
Justification analyses (electrical, mechanical, thermal...)
Manufacture (complete equipment, boards, harnesses...)
Tests and qualification
Development of softwares

EREMS main skills cover:
Design, manufacture and tests of electronic equipments
(analog and digital): -
Power converters, power supplies, power distribution
Data acquisition, data handling and processing equipments
Measurement electronics
Low noise amplifiers
Data handling systems
Video electronics
Digital electronics
Radiofrequency equipments
Test benches
Embedded FPGAs
Ground FPGAs
Softwares developments:
Embedded softwares
Man-machine interface softwares
Test & ground operation softwares (control / command, data banks, databases...)
Developments on Processors, microcontrollers, DSPs...