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June 24 - Two EREMS computers in orbit on board the SVOM satellite

SVOM representation

SVOM was successfully launched on Saturday June 22, 2024 from the Xichang launch base in China. 

SVOM , a Franco-Chinese satellite, will improve our understanding of the Universe and its creation by studying the most distant star explosions, gamma-ray bursts. Gamma-ray bursts are extremely powerful, equivalent to more than a billion billion suns! This makes them detectable at great distances, even beyond our own galaxy. But they're random and unpredictable, so it takes real technical prowess to observe them.

Two French instruments, ECLAIR and MXT, will help locate the sources of these gamma-ray bursts.

EREMS designed and built the computers for these 2 instruments, UGTS and MDPU, for CNES. They are also responsible for the power supply and control of the 2 X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes.