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Electronic equipment design and manufacture
Software development

photo satellite Eutelsat 172B
photo satellite BepiColombo
photo satellite programme scientifique
June 24 - Two EREMS computers in orbit on board the SVOM satellite

June 24 - Two EREMS computers in orbit on board the SVOM satellite

SVOM was successfully launched on Saturday June 22, 2024 from the Xichang launch base in China. 

Sept 24 - 2nd launch of the KINEIS constellation!

Sept 24 - 2nd launch of the KINEIS constellation!

After the successful first launch in June 24, the KINEIS suite took off from New Zealand on September 21.

Feb. 23 - EREMS contribution for the SWOT satellite

Feb. 23 - EREMS contribution for the SWOT satellite

SatMagazine published an article regarding EREMS' contribution to the SWOT satellite.




Feb.23 - Brand new premises for 2024

Feb.23 - Brand new premises for 2024

Aug. 22 - After Mars, a French seismometer set to be sent to the moon in 2025

Aug. 22 - After Mars, a French seismometer set to be sent to the moon in 2025

EREMS, with the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, improved the sensitivity of the VBB sensor that will be carried aboard the FSS (Farside Seismic Suite) instrument and placed on the moon.

Apr. 21 - Successful launch for Pleiades Neo!

Apr. 21 - Successful launch for Pleiades Neo!

"Pleiades Neo 3", the first satellite of the Pleiade Neo constellation, was successfully launched early this morning with several EREMS equipment on-board.

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Erems technologie
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Erems technologie

Founded in 1979, EREMS is a French Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) specialised in the design and the realization of electronic equipments, and of associated softwares for high technology fields : Space, Defence, Aeronautics, Nuclear...

Endowed with engineering, manufacturing and tests services, EREMS, for over 40 years, has been developing flight electronics and ground electronic equipments, testbenches...